FIYN Labs provides Salesforce LWC (Lightning Web Components) Online training course is good and gets through a lot of material and detail explanation.

Lightning web components are custom elements built using HTML and modern JavaScript. In this course, candidate will learn how to program Lightning Web Components with markup, JavaScript, CSS, Apex, and the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS). This complete course provides in-depth overview of new Lightning Web Component programming with alot of attention towards an existing understanding of Aura components onto the concepts that exist in the new framework programming model

The course will mainly focus on Custom Lightning Web Component development. If you want to be competitive in the Salesforce Developer job market, NOW is the right time to learn LWC.

Benefits from Salesforce LWC Training:

  1. Certification guidance will be provided.
  2. Will provide class recordings as well [Lifetime free access].
  3. Will be preparing for Interviews & help you on getting job opportunities.

Course content:

  1. What is LWC?
  2. Why we are using LWC when we have already lightning framework/Advantages of LWC?
  3. Prerequisites before learning LWC

  1. What is VS Code Editor?
  2. Need/Use of VS Code Editor?
  3. Initial plugins which is need to be installed before working on VS Code
  4. Connecting your org to VS Code
  5. Some commands/Hands on practice on VS Code

  1. Steps to follow to create your first LWC
  2. Things need to remember before creating LWC
  3. Naming convention need to follow for LWC

  1. Learn about ECMAScript and the new features
  2. This keyword
  3. Arrow functions
  4. Asynchronous programming in JavaScript
  5. Call back functions
  6. Promises
  7. Async and await
  8. Import and export of JavaScript files
  9. Classes

  1. Html file and use of it
  2. JavaScript file and use of it
  3. CSS file and use of it
  4. SVG file and use of it
  5. Meta file and use of it
  6. masterLabel tag in meta file
  7. target tags in meta file
  8. Constructor and super

  1. Pushing LWC to your org
  2. Pulling LWC to your Local machine

  1. Basic syntax of CSS
  2. Use/Need of CSS in LWC
  3. How and where to add CSS in LWC
  4. Inline CSS in LWC
  5. Internal CSS in LWC
  6. External CSS in LWC

  1. Basic Syntax of JavaScript
  2. Use/Need of JS in LWC
  3. How and where to add JS in LWC
  4. Declaring and defining JS in LWC
  5. Declaring variables in JS
  6. Functions in JS
  7. Loops in JS
  8. If condition in JS

  1. Introduction
  2. Need/Use
  3. Track decorator
  4. Api decorator
  5. Use decorators in code
  6. Defining decorators
  7. Accessing Values of decorators
  8. Manipulating Data
  9. Getters and Setters
  10. Use/Need of getters and setters
  11. Manipulating data with getters and setters
  12. Wire decorators in LWC
  13. Use/Need of wire decorators in LWC
  14. Manipulating data with wire decorators

  1. Constructor()
  2. ConnectedCallback()
  3. DisconnectedCallback()
  4. Render()
  5. ErrorCallback()

  1. Introduction to events
  2. Use/Need of events
  3. Use/Need of Client-side-controller in LWC
  4. Handling user/browser events on Client side controller
  5. Sending data from user to client side controller
  6. Returning data from client side controller to user
  7. Changing decorator values in events
  8. Performing some tasks using events on client side controller

  1. Introduction
  2. Use/Need of server side controller in LWC
  3. Handling database related events on server side controller
  4. Sending data from user to server side
  5. Returning data from server side controller to user
  6. Performing some tasks using events on server side controller

  1. Introduction to SOQL
  2. Use/Need of SOQL
  3. Different types of operations in SOQl
  4. Overview of Query Editor
  5. Use of SOQL in Class/Methods
  6. Use of SOQL in anonymous window
  7. se of SOQL in Workbench

  1. Introduction
  2. Use/Need of Debug Logs

  1. Introduction
  2. Use/Need of static resources

  1. Overview of Custom Labels
  2. Use/Need of custom labels
  3. Use custom labels in apex

  1. @salesforce/apex
  2. @salesforce/apexContinuation
  3. @salesforce/contentAssetUrl
  4. @salesforce/client/formFactor
  5. @salesforce/i18n
  6. @salesforce/label
  7. @salesforce/messageChannel
  8. @salesforce/resourceUrl
  9. @salesforce/schema
  10. @salesforce/user

  1. Introduction
  2. Use/Need of toast messages
  3. Implement in LWC

  1. Calling apex method using wired
  2. Calling apex method using imperative

  1. Using consolelog() statement
  2. Using alert() statement

  1. Introduction
  2. Use/Need of Modal
  3. Creating one Modal in LWC

  1. Introduction
  2. Use/Need of data table
  3. Creating and displaying data using data table

  1. Introduction
  2. Use/Need
  3. View data in Record edit form
  4. Edit data in Record edit form
  5. Create data in record edit form

  1. Calling child LWC from parent LWC
  2. Calling parent LWC from child LWC
  3. Pub sub concept in LWC
  4. Use/Need of pub sub in LWC
  5. Implementation of Pub sub in LWC
  6. Changing child data from parent LWC
  7. Calling child method from parent LWC
  8. JS Code Sharing in LWC
  9. Lightning Message Service
  10. Communication via platform events

  1. App
  2. Lightning Component
  3. Knowledge Article
  4. Login Page
  5. Named Page
  6. Navigation Item Page
  7. Object Page
  8. Record Page
  9. Record Relationship Page
  10. Web page

  1. Testing in JavaScript
  2. Jest Framework and its usage in LWC

  1. What is LWC OSS
  2. Build a simple app on LWC OSS
  3. Deploy LWC OSS to Heroku
  4. Integrate LWC with Salesforce data using JSforce

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